
Hope Is Confidence

The substance of our faith is found within our hope. Without hope, there cannot be faith.

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Becoming God’s Tool

2 Peter 3:18 tells us that it is important to know, and grow in, the scriptures. Why is this? What benefits does this provide to ourselves and to those around us?

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What’s In A Name?

When you hear certain names, good things probably come to mind. Likewise, other names bring bad connotations. How are you doing with your name's reputation? What does God think about your name?

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Faith, Hope, and Glory

Mary Lou Retton achieved impressive accomplishments in this physical life with her olympic medals but has found with time and health struggles how temporary all of that is. Faith, hope, and glory when viewed from God's perspective, is far less temporary.

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Who Is In Control?

When it comes to your life, who has more control? God or Satan? Or perhaps the better questions is, which one do you allow to have more control over your life?

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Do You Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness?

Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? It is important to seek after God's promises and way of life to find lasting joy and fulfillment.

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Faith - Do You Truly Exhibit It?

How much time and thought do you give to the subject of faith? Faith provides peace, strength, and guidance, especially during challenging times. It requires consistency in prayer and obedience to God's word to work.

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As For Me In My House

As we look around at current events, the end times feel all the more closer. Are we preparing our children for these times? It is important that we equip them now with a strong moral compass.

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Building Our Arc

What was the cost for Noah to build the arc? It was not just money or labor. Noah invested his life into the job God gave him to do, and he finished that job. We need the same investment and commitment.

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Plan For Your Future Now

The way we act now will shape who we are tomorrow. If we look back and see how we were compared to how we are now, are we where we want to be? What changes need to be made for further growth moving forward?

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