
Do We Value God As Much As He Values Us

We can see many instances through the Bible telling us exactly how much God values each and every one of us. We must consider for ourselves if we value God as much as He values us.

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Becoming More Christlike

As we approach Passover and consider our commitment to God, we are to be seeking to become more Christlike. What does this look like? How do we change our lives to help accomplish this?

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How To Have A Thorough Self Examination

This is the time of year where we are to deeply examine ourselves and insure we are in line with God. If we do not do this, it is as if we are half-heartedly going to God and giving a passing thanks for whatever He's done rather than truly...

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The Veil

Christ spoke in parables to prevent all people from understanding the truth behind His words. The disciples were able to learn from His words but those veiled to the truth were not. Where did this veil come from and why is it there?

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Our Need For Lasting Faith

The word faith appears about 245 times in the Bible and offers us a lot of encouragement as we consider its application. One of the big questions we often face with faith is how we can build our own faith up. What strategies exist to help increase our faith?

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Do I Remember And Respect The Contract?

The world seems to hold little care for contracts. People create and break them all the time. How about us? When we were baptized, we made a contract with God about how we would act and think. Are we still as committed to that contract now as we were when...

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How Is The Proving Going?

A house built on sand is every bit as good as a house built on a rock, until the storm comes through and tests the house. Is our spiritual house built on the sand or is it built on the rock?

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Will The Jews Repent Before Christ’s Return

When considering "great" people of the Bible, who comes to mind? What about John the Baptist? Matthew 11:11 states there was no one greater than John the Baptist. Why is this? What role did he have which made him great?

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Our words have great power to encourage each other. We see many examples of this throughout the Bible in the form of conversation, sermons, and even letters.

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Value in Memory

There is great value in both our memories and the memories of others. These experiences can teach us vital lessons needed to understand how God wants us to live.

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